Renewable revenue without having to sell!

Would you like to make thousands of pounds in renewable revenue without having to sell a thing?

Do you work with or sell to?

Beauty salons
Bridal / wedding shops & venues
Coffee shops
Entertainment venues
Guest houses
Gym / fitness venues
Hairdressers / barbers
Motor dealerships
Pub / bars
Play centres
Takeaway food outlets
Tattoo studios
Tourist attractions
Basically anywhere that people may want to gain access to the Internet to browse the web or check their social media accounts.

All you need to do is introduce businesses you meet to the concept of Team WiFi? What Team WiFi does is allow business owners to give their customers free access to the Internet whilst automatically capturing their details for future marketing purposes. For them it’s a clever, cost effective and a quick and easy way of gaining maximum exposure for their businesses. For you it will mean an additional income stream that will give you a significant residual income, one not to be sneezed at…

In short you introduce Team WiFi, we sell it and you get an ongoing commission!

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